Latest News
Please note that the Cat Hill entrance will be closed to vehicles from Monday morning through to late Tuesday afternoon. This will be unavoidable due to work being carried out on the hump across the entrance. Wet concrete will be involved!
The Trading Hut will be open on this coming Sunday morning NOT Saturday. If you have taken any manure and not paid for it yet, please make every effort to do so.
Rent Renewal will take place this year in October. You will be able to pay your rent for the year 2024-25 at the Trading Hut between 10am and 12noon on the Saturday and Sunday mornings of
the first 3 weekends of October.
Every year we ask that, if you are considering giving up your plot or if for some good reason you are unable to pay on the above dates, PLEASE LET US KNOW.
Thank you to all who supported our Produce Show on Saturday. There are some lovely photos on our Facebook page if you'd like to have a look.
Congratulations go to Bob Newman (aided and abetted by Diane Major) plots 141 and 143, for winning the David Brinkworth trophy for Best Show. The annual awards for Best Plots are as follows -
Best Full Plot Sammy Savvas Plot 41
Best Half Plot Cheryl Ward Plot 122b
Best Newcomer Aziz Coastwall Plot 8
There will be a delivery of manure on Tuesday morning. As mentioned before we have to pay a considerable sum for delivery now so the charge is £1 per barrowload.
Work will shortly be starting on 2 projects on the site. We are creating a passing place at the Cat Hill entrance. This will make entering the site much safer and the need to back out onto Cat Hill a thing of the past.
Work to improve the drainage on the lowest part of the site down near the Park Rd car-park should be starting within the next few weeks.
We hope that these works will not inconvenience you too much and we will keep you informed as to progress.
There are no wheelbarrows in either of the the lower car parks and some are missing from the Cat Hill car park. PLEASE, PLEASE return barrows after use. DO NOT keep them on your plot. It is selfish to do so.
A shovel is also missing from the Belmont car park wood chip pile.
Linked below is the Association’s new Health and Safety Policy together with statements outlining the required responsibilities of both the Committee and you, as plot holders. Please read and familiarize yourselves with these documents.